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Common name:  Topramezone

Chemical name:

Structural formula:

CAS No.: 210631–68–8

Molecular formula: C16H17N3O5S

Appearance: Yellowish-brown solid

Specification:  Topramezone 97% W/W TC

Capacity: 300 MT p.a.

Packing: Cardboard drum with double layer plastic bag as inner liner, 25kg or 50kg net each. Other suitable packing can be adopted according to the requirements of customers

Formulation: 30% SC, 4% OD

UsesTopramezone is a systemic postemergence herbicide for control or growth suppression of emerged broadleaf and grass weeds in field corn (grown for grain, silage or seed); popcorn (grown for ear, kernel or seed) and sweet com (grown for ear, kernel or seed). This product may be used on conventional and herbicide resistant/tolerant com hybrids. Topramezone has herbicidal activity against broadleaf weeds and grasses. Its efficacy is the result of the inhibition of the enzyme 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) enzyme in target plants. Following treatment in sensitive plants carotenoid pigment formation, membrane structure and photosynthesis is disrupted.